Why Do We Need Orthodontic Treatment?

Why Do We Need Orthodontic Treatment?

Dec 28, 2023

We all want to put our best foot forward in life. This is one of the key reasons why most people consider self-improvement, to ensure that they turn out to be the best versions of themselves they can ever be.
The same applies to matters regarding dental health. It should not shock you that most people you interact with everyday desire to improve, alter, or even transform their smiles and overall oral health. This stems from an inert desire we all possess to look and feel good about ourselves.

Several dental issues or problems can negatively compromise your smile and overall dental health. These issues may range from conditions such as missing teeth and tooth decay to stained and damaged teeth. However, one of the leading dental conditions which negatively impact thousands of smiles globally has to be orthodontic issues.

You can only correct orthodontic problems such as crooked teeth, malocclusions, and poorly spaced teeth by undergoing orthodontic treatment. As challenging as this may sound, you need not worry about it.

Our dentist at Smile Bright Dental Studio has years of experience handling different orthodontic issues in patients and offers ADA approved orthodontic treatment to match every patient’s unique need.

Why Do I Need Orthodontic Treatment?

There is more to undergoing an orthodontic treatment than just cosmetic purposes; it consequently improves your overall oral health as well. Most people think that the only reason to visit an orthodontist is to fix up their smiles and achieve a perfect smile at the end of the treatment.

Although this is one reason why patients pay for orthodontic services, it is not the only reason you need to undergo this treatment. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider fixing orthodontic issues:

Orthodontic Issues Can Cause Speech Issues

The alignment of our teeth affects how we pronounce words and even ennunciate. Some teeth alignment issues can negatively impact speech and make it difficult for the affected individual to be coherent.

Malocclusions or Bite-Related Issues Can Affect Digestion and Food Absorption

Bite related issues affect your ability to chew food properly and thus, in turn, affect your overall rate of digestion and food absorption.

Orthodontic Problems Can Encourage the Occurrence of Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

Having an orthodontic problem such as crowded teeth, crooked or poorly spaced teeth can promote tooth decay. These teeth are closely packed together, making the surfaces between the teeth inaccessible during brushing and flossing. This, in turn, encourages the accumulation of plaque and eventually tooth decay and gum disease.

May Result in Jaw Pain and TMJ Disorders

Bite-related orthodontic issues can, in the long run, lead to the development of jaw pain and TMJ disorders. This is because these orthodontic issues affect the jaw bone’s proper positioning, which leads to jaw pain, discomfort, and conditions.

Improve Your Appearance and Boost Your Confidence

Correcting an orthodontic issue can give you a reason to wear your smile confidently for the first time. Orthodontic problems can negatively affect your smile and overall appearance and make you overly conscious about smiling or laughing freely.

Opting to get our dentist near you to treat such an issue can give your smile the transformation it needs and make you love and appreciate your smile.

Who Is the Right Candidate for Orthodontics?

There is a misconception about orthodontics. Most people think that this treatment is only meant for children or teenagers who were still growing into their smiles. However, this is not the case.

Anyone with an orthodontic issue can schedule to undergo treatment with our dentist. There are several ADA approved treatment options that can be used to treat these issues inconspicuously.

This means that adults or self-conscious teenagers do not have to be restricted to getting traditional metal braces and can opt for more stylish and less bulky treatment options.

You qualify to undergo treatment if you have any of the following dental issues:

  • Crossbite
  • Openbite
  • Underbite
  • Misplaced midline
  • Overbite or buck bite
  • Crowded teeth
  • Gaps or spaces in teeth
  • Impacted teeth
  • Crooked teeth

Contact us today at Smile Bright Dental Studio for all your orthodontic services and concerns. Call us now to book an appointment with our dentist near you. We also welcome patients residing in nearby communities.

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