Tooth Extraction in Fulshear, TX

At Smile Bright Dental Studio, our goal is to keep your natural teeth healthy and strong for as long as possible. However, there are times when it is best to have a tooth extracted or removed from your mouth. Tooth extractions in Fulshear, TX, are a routine procedure at our dental clinic but not one that we ever take lightly.

There are many reasons for having a tooth extracted. Our experienced dental team performs extractions only when necessary in order to keep your smile healthy. The difficulty in the procedure stems from the complexity of the problem for the tooth being removed. The location of the tooth and the state of the roots and nerves of the tooth are factors of the difficulty in removing a tooth. To make sure that extraction is the proper course of action for your overall health, our dentist will visually examine your teeth and take an X-ray. If you are a good candidate for a dental extraction, the extraction may be done surgically or non-surgically. Usually, a local anesthetic is used during tooth extractions. Therefore, it is important to make your dentist aware of any allergies or anxieties you may have as well as any medications you are currently taking.

Reasons for Having a Dental Extraction

Some of the reasons to have a tooth pulled or removed include trauma, disease, decay, orthodontics, or impacted wisdom teeth. Visiting our tooth removal dentist near you, twice a year for biannual check-ups and cleanings can prevent many of these issues from ever occurring in the first place. Our main concern is to try to save your teeth. When saving the tooth by applying a crown or having a root canal are no longer viable options because of the extent of damage or impaction, we will then check to see if you are a good candidate for tooth extraction in Fulshear, TX.

After a dental extraction, most patients will require or request an implant for the missing tooth. This excludes patients who had supernumerary teeth, overcrowded teeth, or wisdom tooth removal. If you did not have any of the aforementioned problems, then having a dental implant installed is important to keep your natural teeth from shifting and causing premature aging.

If you’re searching for a tooth removal dentist who can provide tooth extraction in Fulshear, TX, call Smile Bright Dental Studio today. We also welcome patients from the neighboring areas of Simonton, Foster, Cinco Ranch, Katy, Cross Creek Ranch, Brookshire, and Cumings. Schedule an appointment with us today!

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