Dental Implants in Fulshear, TX

If you are missing one or more permanent teeth, your oral health and function may be compromised. In addition, patients with visible tooth gaps often feel self-conscious about their oral appearance. At Smile Bright Dental Studio, we understand the importance of performing missing tooth replacement procedures to restore a patient’s oral health, appearance, and function.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants refer to a surgical procedure that permanently replaces a patient’s missing tooth in its empty socket. Initially, a post is implanted into the bone of the socket to anchor the replacement tooth. Once the jawbone has healed and the implanted post is secure, our dentist in Fulshear, TX, will attach an abutment post, which is attached to the prosthetic tooth. This replacement tooth is then permanently implanted to restore health and function to the patient’s mouth. In addition, a dental implant eliminates any visible tooth gap in the mouth to enhance a patient’s oral appearance.

Dental implants are unlike other restorative apparatus designed to help with tooth loss, such as dentures or dental bridges. The dental implant process can be lengthy, depending on the condition of the patient’s jaw structure and oral health. However, the results are effective and permanent.

How Should I Care for Dental Implants?

Since dental implants are designed to look, feel, and function like your natural teeth, you can approach their care in the same way that you would your original teeth. This includes following a daily oral hygiene regimen of thoroughly brushing and flossing your teeth. In addition, it’s important to keep up with your routine dental exams and professional cleanings every six months. This gives our dental care team a chance to assess the health of your teeth and gums as well as monitor the condition of your dental implants.

If you are missing one or more permanent teeth and are looking for a tooth implant dentist, Smile Bright Dental Studio has solutions. Call our office to make an appointment regarding dental implants in Fulshear, TX. Our staff and dentist near you look forward to restoring your oral health and sense of well-being.

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